• Ready To Go?

Feeling you are missing out on the competition?

Anxious to launch that new product or company, but still so many doubts or hurdles on the way?

You want to market a product or service, but don't have all the required skills to do this, or you looking for a way to do this outside your existing company?

Spending more time solving problems than attracting new customers and developing new opportunities?

Bizz Compagnon isn't another consultant, but delivers an active engagement at multiple levels within the organisation to achieve clear results.

​Started by a serial entrepreneur in collaboration with other entrepreneurs and senior managers we think and act as your companion, as a fellow traveller on the way to reaching your objectives.

Venture Studio

Advisory & Coaching

Project Management

Selected References

Focus Activities

Bizz Compagnon is a registered service provider for consulting and coaching under the 
​SME-scheme of the Flemish Government

​Better Enough

It’s entirely possible that you’re better. Better by some axis you’ve invented, fallen in love with and decided is the most important thing to be better at. But if people aren’t choosing you, talking about you, asking you for more… it’s either because you picked the wrong axis, or because you’re not better enough. Not better enough to be worth the fear and hassle and stress of switching for. Better’s not up to us. It’s up to those we seek to serve.(Seth Godin)